Category Archives: Blog

Pluralis Judaeis


You’ve heard of the royal “we”, here are two good examples of the jewy “we”.

After Paris Attacks, Don’t Close Doors to Refugees – Open Them, Jesse Berney, Rolling Stone:

When we see attacks like the horror in Paris, we should open our borders to a flood of refugees, not close them. We should shower those families with generosity. We should make sure they have jobs that fit their skills. We should educate their children. We should provide them health care and whatever social services they need.

In other words, “let’s you and them mix”, or, “let’s you serve them”.

A more familiar variant takes the form, “let’s you and them fight”. See, for example, French Jewish Council Calls for ‘World War’ Against ‘Jihadist Fanaticism’, Breitbart:

“Our country is bloodied by all those innocent lives cut short by the bullets of these new barbarians. The world war against the monstrosity of jihadist fanaticism must become the top priority of democratic nations,” [CRIF] said.

“We must combat them tirelessly and without pity, until they are defeated,” the group added.

The jewy “we”, pluralis judaeis, is deployed by jewhadis, “left” and “right”, not only to shamelessly lecture everyone else what they should think and do, but specifically to serve the interests of jews, whatever harm it will cause anyone else.

Talking with Henrik Palmgren


The title of the Red Ice Radio podcast sums up our discussion very well: Tanstaafl – Race, Biology & Modus Operandi of Jewish Extremists – Hour 1.

Some relevant context is provided via the links in the bottom half of the RIR page. See these as well:

The Racial Roots of Europeans – Part 1 and William Pierce’s Who We Are: a Series of Articles on the History of the White Race.

The Country Club Thing describes Revilo Oliver’s take on Claudius’ letter of warning to the jews of Alexandria, dated 41 AD.

The inequality of human races : Gobineau, Arthur, comte de, 1816-1882, Internet Archive.

The Ugly Nationalist Politics of Human Origins, The Daily Beast, 12 September 2015.

French far-right leader to face trial for inciting racial hatred, Yahoo News, 22 Sep 2015.

German politician Gregor Gysi calls native Germans “Nazis” and their extinction “fortunate”, YouTube.

The real meaning of Jaws is the “JPost” article I referred to, it’s actually from The Jewish Chronicle.

A White Guide to the Jewish Narrative, What’s Flipping Yid Lids Today: The Coultercaust, and A Personal Disclosure.

UPDATE 4 April 2016: Talking with Henrik Palmgren, Hour 2.

What’s Flipping Yid Lids Today: The Coultercaust


While watching the republican debate on Wednesday night pundit Ann Coulter let her kikeservative act slip when she twitted:

Cruz, Huckabee Rubio all mentioned ISRAEL in their response to: “What will AMERICA look like after you are president.”

How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?

The response from incensed jews was swift, vehement, and continues to reverberate.

As Coulter’s old friend Joe Sobran once pointed out, “A hypocritical etiquette forces us to pretend that the jews are powerless victims; and if you don’t respect their victimhood, they’ll destroy you.” Time will tell whether the fucking jews actually destroy Coulter. In the meantime it is easy to make several other points.

That jews are able to so self-righteously swarm like this is a measure of their power – which would go without saying if not for the furtive and illegitimate nature of jew rule. Sobran was destroyed even before he spilled the beans on the jewed reality which confronts every jewsmedia pundit and would-be political “leader”. To work under jew rule one must understand not only that jews rule, but that you must not ever speak ill of this fact. Even praise makes some jews squirm.

Political/media jew-swarmings are a regular occurrence. Other recent examples include The Jew Republic layoffs, Tom “1% kristallnacht” Perkins, Chuck “I’m not an Israeli senator” Hagel, and Sarah “blood libel” Palin. And it’s not just full-time professional jews who swarm, a number of ambiguous jews ditch their disguise to fly to their tribe’s defense, and they fly right across the “left”/”right” divide the goyim regard as sacrosanct.

As Sobran noted, the dynamic of a jew-swarm is two-pronged. The multitude of jews who reflexively spring forth, either as individuals or as official mouthpieces for larger organs, all express a similar message in a similar way – screeching for someone’s head while whining that jews are the real victims.

It is no coincidence that the someone the jews swarm is always more jew-lover than hater. Coulter’s slip was to connect “f—ing” and “jews”, nullifying all her prior and subsequent pro-jew/pro-Israel groveling as far as jews are concerned. More often the trigger for the jew-swarm isn’t so clear-cut, and their target rushes even more eagerly to beg forgiveness. Even in Coulter’s case it’s plain that the hate-filled boogeywoman some of the more hysterical jews imagine is a mere projection of their own fathomless loxism.

Carolyn Yeager’s “Offer”


Bill Rhyes, who I spoke with last month, spoke with Carolyn Yeager last week. I’ve wasted too much of my life on Carolyn Yeager and don’t wish to waste any more – but she directed a disingenuous “offer” to me, accompanied by a veiled threat. I think it calls for a clear response.

Her “offer” starts at 1:27:00. She begins by reading a prepared statement, her latest version of what she says happened between us and why. As far as I can tell she hasn’t posted the text anywhere online, and I’m not going to bother transcribing it all. It’s mostly the same combination of sobstory, gossip, and speculation that she’s been serving up since the day I ended our partnership. Her whole Danny-boy/Tanny-boy story, for example, is real only in her own mind. But it is telling that she prefers to imagine such inter-personal intrigue, fictional soap opera nonsense really, rather than accept the reasons I’ve actually provided.

I laid out those reasons in My Mistake. Most of what I had to say to or about her is in the comments of The End. In response Carolyn quickly shut down the original tWn server. A month or so later I got a new domain, set up a new server, restored the content from a backup copy, and added Why this Archive to explain the changes. Over time I also attached several updates to that one post, mostly to note Carolyn’s ongoing hostility and demands. (I’ll be adding a new update there linking to this post.)

Now, speaking with Bill Rhyes, she makes a fresh demand that she couchs instead as a diplomatic “offer” (skip to 1:36:00):

I wouldn’t mind having my shows, text and all, on his archive site, if he didn’t have all the stuff he added on there after saying he was gonna freeze the site as it was.

I’m not even slightly tempted to go along with this.

First, I know she is not speaking in good faith. She shut down the original server when the only thing on it was My Mistake and The End, without any additional comments. She shut down the whole site to suppress just that. She’s now all the more bitter about Why this Archive because it spells out this and more, liberally quoting and linking her own statements, detailing many telling things she said and did.

Second, I long ago addressed her phoney “he’s stealing my podcasts” claim here and here. I also long ago provided a definitive answer to her constant demands and claims of ownership. That answer has not changed.

Third, I know Carolyn wants ALL these critical posts of mine memory-holed because she thinks they make her look bad. She deleted everything when she had the chance. She really doesn’t care about the archive as a whole or even the redacted text and the podcast links that I’m supposedly stealing. Everything of hers has always been hosted in full on her own site, which I have never had anything to do with and have never interfered with in any way.

Fourth, all her bluster about ownership and stealing flies in the face of the fact that she paid all the tWn bills with other people’s money, handled and ultimately claimed all that donated money for herself personally, and never provided any accounting for any of it.

Last but certainly not least, her “offer” truly is just another self-serving demand, offered only out of concern for her own ego/reputation and followed directly by a clumsily-worded personal threat:

I think the whole thing is unseemly. What he’s done. So if he does not do what I ask, umm, I’m prepared to copyright all my programs and take legal action against him for stealing them from my website. And additionally I will put up a page using my domain name of – I do own that domain name, I always did – and tell the true story of Mr. Tanstaafl and the White network in a better and more complete way than I’ve done before. So I’m not trying to make threats here but I wanted to make this offer for a way to kind of bring this White network thing to a better ending than what it has come to.

That’s just it. She wants more. I don’t. I ended my relationship with Carolyn Yeager exactly because I no longer wanted to help her, to argue with her, or have anything whatsoever to do with her. I never took anything from her, I don’t need anything from her, and frankly I’m fine with the archive site as is. I’m not going to change anything to suit her, and I certainly will not delete the very documents which best capture what actually happened as it happened. She can blubber self-righteously about her imagined victimhood all she wants. The online record tells a different story.

Except for the part about suing me, her threat reminds me of Rodney Martin’s. My response to her is the same I made to him. I doubt there’s anything more to her “true story” that she hasn’t already gone on and on about. What she’s really implying is her intent to dox me. Some bullshit copyright suit is just a pretext for that. What she’ll discover is that everything I have ever said about myself is true. What I think is most important about Carolyn Yeager I discovered and stated last year. I should never have agreed to work with such an egotistic and vindictive woman. As I’ve said, my mistake.

Another Deluded Condemnation of Violence


Analyzing the Effectiveness of Politically Motivated Mass Murder in the US, by Patrick Le Brun at Counter-Currents, is a broad condemnation of White violence disguised as pro-White analysis. Le Brun makes his foregone conclusion plain from the start:

I see no use for violence in our movement. I am not a pacifist, nor do I believe that the current ruling class does not deserve it. But a brief comparison of the use of violence for political purposes throughout the last 100 years should make it clear why this is not the right choice for us, and such acts and their perpetrators should be expressly condemned. Since potential mass killers are probably not swayed by moral considerations, my argument against such violence is purely pragmatic.

Unlike many other pro-Whites who babble about “moral considerations” without giving much consideration to the meaning of such terms, Le Brun boldly announces that he will simply not even consider White political violence in such terms. Instead he chooses to see the “potential mass killers” he addresses as either amoral or immoral, i.e., that what drives them has nothing to do with morality, at least not of any sort he regards as valid.

I could go on at length here about morality and its importance, but I already have. Those who are interested in what I think morality has to do with White identity can consult Stupid/Crazy/Evil, Pathologization and Demonization, Morals, Morality and Moralizing, Universalism and Particularism, and Morality and Identity.

It will suffice here to note that morality, in the most general terms, is nothing more than a definition of good and bad, and at root it springs from a concern for some set of people. Any distortion in the distinction between this set of people and another, between us and them, creates moral confusion. Self-professed pro-Whites taking special pains to specifically condemn interracial violence perpetrated by fellow Whites is an especially perverse consequence of such confusion.

The result of Le Brun’s own failure to consider morality is clearest in the most recent example he examines, the case of Dylann Roof. Le Brun takes Roof’s verbal justification, “You rape our women and you’re taking over our country”, quite literally. And because he has settled on a purely pragmatic view, he is confused about its meaning:

These are probably Blacks who are the least linked with whatever grievance about crime Roof has with the Black community. They were rather exemplary members of their community who exhibit a self-discipline that surpasses that of so many Hollywood Nazis and keyboard warriors. We must remember that while The Bell Curve proves our racial incompatibility as a whole, the curves also overlap.

does anyone really believe that there will be fewer Black-on-White rapes because the potential perpetrators would not want to provoke another massacre in a Black Church? Also, Counter-Currents readers are too smart to believe his premise that “Blacks are taking over.”

An honest attempt to understand Roof’s thinking would include reading his purported manifesto. Roof’s insightfullness and race-based sense of moral outrage is clear throughout. In the last section, labelled “An Explanation”, Roof offers a rationale for his choice of target based on both symbolism and pragmatism.

Based on the manifesto it appears Roof sees race in somewhat coarse black versus White terms. Like many racialists, including even those who write at Counter-Currents, Roof seems not to fully appreciate the nature and influence of the jews. However, the manifesto does mention the “jewish agitation of the black race”, notes the bias and poisonous influence of the (thoroughly jewed) anti-White media, recognizes differences in race consciousness, and draws distinctions between various non-White races. In short, the manifesto indicates that Roof’s understanding runs far deeper than “blacks are taking over”. Thus Le Brun’s attempt to paint Roof as stupid is itself stupid.

Le Brun’s finding of fault with Roof or any of the other men whose cases he examines is literally beside the point. His main point is to condemn and thus disassociate himself from them. Early on he asserts his belief that such violence has been used “to hurt our cause through guilt by association”. At the end he reiterates and elaborates on this belief:

To conclude, I believe that White Nationalism has been harmed rather than helped by killers like Roof, Page, Breivik, Miller, etc. Indeed, some of their acts have been so catastrophically counter-productive, one must question whether they were really trying to advance political aims at all, as opposed to simply indulging in nihilistic destruction. (In which case, perhaps they should have begun by killing themselves.) Thus such shooters and shootings must be condemned in the strongest language possible. I hope that anyone reading this who is actually contemplating such a killing spree will think this through carefully, then either change his mind — or find some other website to read.

Le Brun deludes himself and is encouraging his readers do so as well. He reckons he can simply verbally disown those Whites he deems unworthy – whether less knowledgable, disciplined, or more militant than himself – and that this will somehow advance the broader White interests he so unselfconsciously conflates with and constrains to his personal beliefs.

I believe genocide is the larger catastrophy Whites face, and that it grinds on despite the relatively minor acts of retaliatory violence and condemnations Le Brun and others are so determined to deliver, not because of them. The stated aims of Roof and Breivik, the two cases with which I am most familiar, were two-fold: to call attention to the plight of their people and to inspire further action. I think they did advance these aims. I think if anything deserves be called out as counter-productive (not to mention ineffective) it is the condemnations of actors by conceited thinkers. Like Fjordman, Le Brun imagines that words can protect him from the consequences of his ideas.