The Tautology of Jewing

Andrew Anglin has been reviewing the jewing revealed by Vicky Ward’s recent book abouth the Kushner crime family, highlighting the many previously unpublicized details and adding many relevant points of his own. It’s a great read.

How did such criminality, infiltrating and manipulating the very highest levels of government, avoid the scrutiny and criticism of the so-called Fourth Estate for so long? To paraphrase how I once described the similar situation around Jeffrey Epstein: All you need to know to understand why the jewsmedia, which supposedly hates hates hates Trump, has never made a big deal out of Trump’s connection to the Kushner crime family is that it’s the jewsmedia and the Kushners are jews.

Why is this criminality coming to light now? The jews are ruthless and their conspiracy is tribal, and this gives them tremendous power. But they aren’t omnipotent. They can’t keep everything supressed forever.

The Kushner jewing was well known and tolerated as such for years by the inner party jews and their tools in Jew York Shitty and Jew Jersey. What’s remarkable is how long it has taken the story to come out even after the agents of this sordid criminal jewing were ensconced in the White House. The national jewsmedia has spent the past three years screeching as if Russians and White nationalists were pulling Donald Trump’s strings. This is not because they are crazy, but because they’ve known all along the real string-pullers are jews.

To understand the slow disclosure and systematic distortion of this or any other kind of jew-related corruption you must understand the jewsmedia follows an unwritten code. The jewing they can’t hide, they spin. What they can’t spin, they White-wash. What they can’t White-wash, they simply grit their teeth and minimize. While the result is often a combination of these tactics, at this point there’s not much left for them to do with the Kushners but minimize.

Presumably the Mueller investigation has uncovered some of the campaign-related “Russian” jewing, so some of the truth about the “foreign influence” is coming out anyway. We must keep in mind that however damning the information about the Kushners that the jewsmedia finally discloses, it will be a limited hangout. Any connections implicating the larger ethnic network and totally jewed culture which birthed and fostered the Kushners will be downplayed, to the extent they’re revealed at all.

Ward’s book, for example, seems calculated to keeps the blast radius limited to the Kushners. The recent interview Ward did with Virginia Heffernan shows how it’s done. During the discussion jewing comes up directly only once, while discussing Jared Kushner’s mysterious acceptance into Harvard despite his mediocre rank in grade school. Heffernan, ever the good goy, knowingly brings up the fact that it was an exclusive jews-first/jews-only grade school, but only to praise it for supposedly being forthcoming about Kushner’s poor performance. After 50 minutes of even more superficial chit chat you’re left with the impression that what’s bad about Kushner, what shapes and drives his “vaguely zionist” worldview, is that he’s in bed with “the Saudis”.

Based on what Anglin has written, as far as Ward’s book covers jewing at all it seems to be trying to portray the Kushners as renegades, at odds with their tribe. From Karl Marx to George Soros this is one of the more common lines of apologia when jews get called out for doing something wrong. They’re not really jews, you see, or not good jews anyway. But you’re still an “anti-semite” for noticing.

This point I made about Weinstein applies far more generally than even the more jew-wise goyim realize. It applies in this case too. So it’s worth repeating:

Weinstein was able to carry on for as long as he did exactly because he is a member of a larger criminal tribe, whose methods he shared, and whose mutual protection he still enjoys. Indeed, across time and space Weinstein’s tribe has operated Weinstein-wise, as an ethnic gang – a widely-dispersed, obsessively-organized, now skulking, now screeching, genetically-related mafia. But in comparison to any other form of ethnic gangsterism jewing is far more insidious, more virulent, more chronic. Unlike others, the jews have repeatedly infiltrated and manipulated hosts so completely that they’ve repeatedly managed to privilege themselves and legalize their gangsterism.

Controlling the narrative, the perceptions, the thinking, the morality of their host has been integral to jewing. Properly understood, jewing is part pretense, part practice; part denial, part celebration; part carrot, part stick; part hidden, part in-your-fucking-face-and-whattaya-gonna-do-about-it-goyim. Jewing is parasitism so “successful” that none dare call it parasitism.

Suits and ties and jewsmedia fluff pieces may have gotten the Kushners this far, but under any scrutiny their minds and mores come across as so alien, so jewy, that they cannot be White-washed, they cannot be passed off as White. The fate and fortune of the Kushners has had nothing to do with “White privilege”. It has everything to do with jewing. That’s the crux of the scandal. Their identity as jews explains their motives, it explains their methods, and it explains the lack of scrutiny on them thus far. It will also dictate how the jewsmedia treats the story around them from this point on.

The jewing at the core of the story, the key to understanding it, is exactly what the jewsmedia will try hardest to minimize. Paradoxically, minimizing the criminal jewing will involve maximizing the OYYYY VEEEEYYYYYY jewing. Assuming the story gets mainstream traction, and a critical mass of goyim knowing starts to take form, articles will appear preemptively screeching that the Kushner kerfluffle is a terrible shanda fur die goyim.

No doubt some of this screeching will go so far as to imply that the jewsmedia is “anti-semitic”. We know Trump, who never says a word in defense of his White supporters, is totally comfortable championing jews as a collective. If and when necessary he will likely try to defend his criminal in-laws the same way.

I can hear him now. “THE ANTI-SEMITIC LYING MEDIA ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE IS TRYING TO SMEAR MY BRILLIANT SON-IN-LAW, HIS WONDERFUL FAMILY, AND THE STUPENDOUS JEWISH PEOPLE!!1!” Playing right along, the jewsmedia will just screech ever louder that Trump is “anti-semitic”, peddling age-old “tropes” and “canards” that have dogged the jews for millennia, wherever they wander.

This is the tautology of jewing. “Anti-semitism” everywhere, on the tip of everyone’s tongue, yet according to the jewsmedia jewing has nothing to do with it. If they can get away with this shtick even when the jewing is openly celebrated, why not under harsher light?

But then it may not even come to that. Take Epstein’s case for example. There was a cloak of secrecy around him and his network even before it was partially exposed and reburied. Epstein has been back in court over the past several months, and though he is directly connected to Trump, and the jewsmedia hates hates hates Trump, the self-professed speaking-truth-to-power types are all still mostly ignoring that story. At best they merely try to jewsplain it, providing lots of boring detail, glossing over the basic fact that Epstein’s network and the cover still afforded it is perfectly typically tribal.

Jewy Anti-White Conversations Disguised as Something Else

Last night I finally pushed through and finished listening to an item I had put on TFeed in mid-February: This conversation (between two jews) will change how you understand misogyny. Several times over the past months I had stopped listening, in disgust, after only a few minutes. It is that bad. I can’t even recall why I thought it was worth putting on my feed in the first place, other than the general notion of listening in on enemy conversations.

Ezra Klein and Kate Manne talk for two hours and 15 minutes. They spend the first 50-60 minutes beating around the bush – speaking in platitudes and generalities, and in feminized academic jargon so thick that it’s hardly possible to see any point to what they’re saying. What makes it worse, especially in this first part, is how all the while they’re heaping praise on each other for their supposed bold insight and explication.

I want this hour of my life back, and I apologize for subjecting other listeners to it. If you haven’t listened yet you can skip it and lose nothing.

In the second hour the two jews loosen up and speak more plainly. At this point it becomes clear that what they are really talking about, and the cause for their mutual admiration, is not about sex or gender but about race. They share a loathing and resentment not toward men in general, but specifically toward White men for being White.

The last 15 minutes are the best. Having revealed the subtext of Manne’s book and this discussion as an extension of the broader long-running Freud/Authoritarian Personality shtick – to psychopathologize White men, to convince us to further lower our defenses – the two jews finally feel comfortable enough to confide that the driving force, their central concern, has everything to do with their jewness and their congenital anxiety about soap and lampshades.

By the by we learn Klein’s debate with tribemate Sam Harris still dogs him. That conversation was shorter and more worth listening to on the whole. Two anti-White jews, dissimulating as “white guys”, debating what take on race is best for the jews. Harris plays the “race realist”, Klein the anti-“racist”. As with Klein’s conversation with Manne, the crucial fact that both participants are jews, and hyperconscious of it, doesn’t come out until after an elaborate song and dance.

Klein’s toxic jewing first came to my attention ten years ago, during the Journolist scandal.

The Open Celebration of Jews and their Jewing

Department of State:

“Anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. The Trump Administration opposes it unequivocally and we will fight it relentlessly.” — @SecPompeo #AIPAC2019…×720/qWliTD_aL20vED9K.mp4

The jews, their jews-only state, and their vassal jews-first states – these are distinctions without a difference.

Pelosi on Dual Loyalty Accusations: ‘To Be Anti-Semitic is to Be Anti-American’:

“This month, the full House came together to condemn the anti-Semitic myth of dual loyalty and all forms of bigotry with a resolution that ‘rejects the perpetuation of anti-Semitic stereotypes in the United States and around the world including the pernicious myth of dual loyalty and foreign allegiance especially in the context of support for the United States-Israel alliance.'”

“I simply declare to be anti-Semitic is to be anti-American. It has no place in our country,” Pelosi continued.

Pelosi is not the first Democratic leader to address the dual loyalty stereotype at AIPAC. On Sunday, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D., Md.) slammed the suggestion that supporters of Israel have dual loyalty.

“When someone accuses American supporters of Israel of dual loyalty, I say: Accuse me,” Hoyer said.

“I am part of a large, bipartisan coalition in Congress supporting Israel, an overwhelming majority in the Congress of the United States,” Hoyer added.

The annual AIPAC summit is a week-long proclamation of state-backed pro-jew bigotry, an explicit and specific celebration of jewing, showcasing jew dominance. There is nothing comparable. The fact that so many of the speakers are not jews, yet so abjectly voice their worship of and subservience to jews, is a measure of jew power and its unnatural influence.

This year’s jewfest is extra special, coming directly on the heels of the collapse of the jewsmedia-promoted narrative designed to shift attention and blame elsewhere. After three years of hyperbolic hyperventilating about “Russian influence” and “white supremacism”, figureheads of both major political parties provide the explanation why – by announcing, for their true masters and the whole world to hear, that their first and foremost concern is for the well-being of jews and the jews-only state.

On a daily basis members of the anti-White/pro-jew regime accuse each other of not being anti-White or pro-jew enough. This isn’t clown world, it’s kike world.

President Kushner

Two years into his administration and President Kushner is once again in the news, a little.

Trump Demands WH to Grant Kushner Top Security Clearance Amid US Intel Concerns:

Trump ordered his chief of staff at the time John Kelly to grant Kushner security clearance despite warnings from intelligence officials and White House lawyers, the New York Times reported on Thursday.

. . .

According to NBC News, two White House security specialists rejected last month Kushner’s application for a top-secret clearance after a FBI background check raised concerns about potential foreign influence on him, but they were overruled by their supervisor, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

No One Has More Influence on Trump Than Jared Kushner, Ex-NJ Governor Claims:

During an extensive interview with National Public Radio (NPR), Chris Christie, who wrote a memoir entitled “Let Me Finish: Trump, the Kushners, Bannon, New Jersey, and the Power of In-Your-Face Politics”, weighed in on reports that Ivanka Trump’s beloved husband Jared Kushner is de facto operating as White House chief of staff.

“I don’t know if it’s true. But let me say this: There is simply no one more influential in the White House on the president than Jared Kushner. He’s not the only person who he listens to, but I don’t think anyone as more influence than Jared has”, he said.

An October 2017 article in a similar vein, which I mentioned in the comments of President Jew, had the headline Trump Fired Tillerson To Protect Jared Kushner, noting:

By dismissing Tillerson, Trump has demonstrated that “blood is thicker than water” and that he will protect his family at great political cost, even if Kushner continues to generate negative media coverage.

Kushner is the embodiment of foreign influence in the White House. Negative jew influence, driving an agenda completely divorced from what Trump told his thirsty supporters they’d be getting. It’s a big, controversial story, and understandably it is taking time for the jewsmedia to settle on a way to jewsplain it. So far they’ve mostly just ignored Kushner, compensating by loudly and quite consciously shifting attention and blame to Russia instead. Likewise, and for the same reason, they’ve been screeching continuously about WHITE supremacism and WHITE nationalism, as jew-first governments across the West are literally making it illegal to oppose jewing.

I’m glad I took the time to write at least a little about the White-washing of Trump, and the petty intrigues which so characterize his 6000000% jew-first administration. At this point there’s not much more that needs to be said about the kikeservative-in-chief’s latest ever more jewy antics than, what’s President Kushner up to now?

Politics + Technology = Nonsense at the Speed of Light