Tag Archives: politics

Double-Crossing, The Rubin Con

The systematic replacement of White people – the Great Replacement, or White Genocide – is vehemently denounced as a “conspiracy theory” by the same shitbags who otherwise cannot contain their glee in celebrating it. The same shitbags hiss and sneer that race is a social construct, but only applaud the deconstruction of one race – the White one. What does this mean? It means these shitbags are anti-White. They feel justified to attack Whites no matter the cause or rationale.

Recently, data from the anti-White regime’s latest census has been published, and what’s more important, the jewsmedia has started trying to jewsplain what it means. Census data shows widening diversity; number of White people falls for first time, published by The Washington Post earlier this month, summed up the main take-away well enough in its title.

More “diversity” means less White people.

There’s alot to say about polls and demographics. Let’s just focus here on this part of this report:

The opioid epidemic and lower-than-anticipated birthrates among millennials after the Great Recession accelerated the White population’s decline, said William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution.

“Twenty years ago if you told people this was going to be the case, they wouldn’t have believed you,” he said of the White decline. “The country is changing dramatically.”

This grim news has been a long time coming, the predictable consequence of a quite conscious and deliberate policy to fill America with non-Whites.

Sure, many Whites refuse to believe there is a war on Whites even now, which is at least in part because they know they’ll be demonized and attacked for expressing any concern. What we can clearly see today that we couldn’t twenty years ago is the now constant stream of denouncements and edicts against “White supremacy” and “rising anti-semitism” coming from the most powerful perches of a thoroughly jewed academia and media and government.

How could any country supposedly ruled by Whites allow this to happen? The answer is simple. Whites don’t rule this anti-White/pro-jew regime, jews do.

The idea that nobody knew where all this anti-White jewing was headed is ridiculous. Kevin MacDonald published his indictment, Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965: A Historical Review, in 1998. The who/whom of this particular demographic whodunit was already history twenty years ago. Stephen Steinlight’s screech-brag is not well known among Whites, but is perfectly typical of his tribe’s penchant to claim responsibility for making changes while also posing as the biggest victims of those changes.

The whole point of the century-long jew assault on American immigration policy was to physically undermine the White majority, to reduce and ultimately destroy it. And with the border opened, the tribe shifted their efforts to the finer-grained work of destroying neighborhoods, families, or anything else they deemed “authoritarian”. Cohencidentally, this was about the same time jews invented the term “conspiracy theorist”, which to this day they use to psychopathologize anyone they suspect might dislike their jewing.

It’s important to note that this jew attack was not confined to America. Whites were simultaneously attacked everywhere by the same hostile tribe using the same tactics, even where Whites were not the majority. The jew attack on White South Africans has been just as virulent as anywhere else.

Also, opioids are just one of the many psychological and chemical weapons manufactured and trafficked by a parasitic tribe with a long sordid history of poisoning their hosts for profit. The same tribe also invented the toxic slogan “diversity is our greatest strength”, selectively deploying it to benefit themselves while inflicting incalculable harm on Whites.

One especially loxist response to the non-news of the White race’s planned demise came from Jennifer Rubin:

a more diverse, more inclusive society. this is fabulous news. now we need to prevent minority White rule.

“Fabulous news”, croaks the shark-eyed goblin, too ebullient to capitalize any word but White. All she’s doing here is celebrating “diversity” and “inclusion”, just like everyone else in the thoroughly jewed regime. Yes, she’s one buzzterm short of the full “wokeness” mantra, but let’s face it, “equity” can be translated as “we need to prevent minority White rule”, which is more forthright about the target.

In case anyone is wondering, Rubin is a full-throated, full-time tribalist shitbag – a professional jewsmedia jew whose job is to spell out what the goyim can think. She is of course keenly aware that what she calls “fabulous” would be regarded by shitbags like herself as an attack if it were aimed at any group other than Whites.

Rubin went to work for the Washington Post in 2010 under the laughable pretense she was a “conservative”. Rubin’s previous employer was Commentary, founded by the American Jewish Committee with an explicit mission to promote jews-first jews-only nationalism and jewing more broadly. Reading the narrative on Rubin’s move, it’s apparent that her only “conservative” qualification was that she was attacking Obama. Curiously, she was specifically getting promoted for doing so, even as jewsmedia cabalists were colluding to denounce “conservatives” as “racists”.

Naturally, Rubin has never had to fear being black-balled. She spent eight years screeching that Obama was the most “anti-semitic” president ever. Then she spent the next four years screeching the same about Trump, standing out amidst a veritable swarm of lesser “anti-Trump” and “anti-anti-Trump” jews. These Clark Kentbergs all drone on about “American interests” and “American values” until something ticks off their inner superjew. Then out flies yet another column or book about “anti-semitism”, or yet another shameless denunciation of everybody else’s tribalism.

During Trump’s term Rubin became increasingly explicitly anti-White, sounding more and more like any “leftist” jewess. In September 2020 Rubin finally dropped the “conservative” mask and tried on a “classical liberal” mask instead:

The name is far less important than the outlook and the rejection of extremism, racism, authoritarianism, isolationism, xenophobia, cruelty, deceit and tribalism.

Like the Weinsteins, Rubin plays the same games jews have always played with words and identity.

A few days after her “fabulous news” twit, Rubin published an op-ed to expound on it. The census reminds us America isn’t static. The GOP needs to deal with it:

That [demographic] reality has, of course, freaked out a significant share of White Christians who do not see “their America” as predominate. It was never “theirs” to begin with, and the assumption that something is amiss if White Christians are not in charge is the essence of white supremacy and Christian nationalism. It is also fundamentally un-American; our country is defined, as President Biden rightly says, by an “idea.”

It is easy, then, to understand why a political party based increasingly on its appeal to White Christians has adopted so many anti-American traits.

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The GOP is so dependent on the right-wing media generator of White angst and resentment, and so fearful they will lose their grip among Whites, that they have chosen instead to try to hold back the demographic and cultural tide washing over them.

Things change, goyim. Get over it.

“White Christians” is just this noxious jewess’ clumsy way of signalling that her disdain is for Whites, not jews. America’s founders were White nationalists, not Christian nationalists. They doomed themselves and their posterity by welcoming jews, and despite delusional jew screeching to the contrary, would not have excluded jews even if they had been Christian nationalists. Christianity is a jew-serving ideology.

It almost goes without saying that Rubin must be utterly confident in her own tribe’s predominance. How else could she so unselfconsciously assert her own jew-serving vision while psychopathologizing Whites for supposedly doing so. Rubin clearly loaths Whites, and takes for granted that everyone else should as well. Yet she can’t articulate why except to portray us as thinking and behaving like jews.

In America in 2021 both major political parties are anti-White and pro-jew, differing only in their emphasis. The main figures in both parties regularly decry “racism” (by which they mean White people simply being White) and “anti-semitism” (any criticism of jews or their jewing). They’re all as dismissive of Whites as they are subservient to jews. Like Rubin, their idea is that America exists to serve jews and their jews-first jews-only state.

It is no surprise that in this environment Rubin claims that one of these parties is actually trying to serve Whites. After all, she’s spent the last 12 years claiming that both parties are actually run by “anti-semites”. These claims are connected.

“The GOP is the White party” is an old narrative. During the Obama era it was a staple of jews who favored an increasingly anti-White political discourse. Even as “conservative” Rubin was attacking Obama in blatantly pro-jew terms, “liberal” jews and their “woke” pets were attacking Romney in blatantly anti-White terms. “Woke” Rubin in 2021 sounds like Harold Meyerson in 2008:

[T]he GOP’s last best hope remains identity politics. In a year when the Democrats have an African American presidential nominee, the Republicans now more than ever are the white folks’ party, the party that delays the advent of our multicultural future, the party of the American past. Republican conventions have long been bastions of de facto Caucasian exclusivity, but coming right after the diversity of Denver, this year’s GOP convention is almost shockingly — un-Americanly — white. Long term, this whiteness is a huge problem. This year, however, whiteness is the only way Republicans cling to power.

Unlike Rubin, Meyerson didn’t pretend he was a “conservative” or that he was shitting on Christians.

Anti-White jewing’s Regime Change

And now, a rise in political extremism, White supremacy, domestic terrorism that we must confront and we will defeat.

– Joe Biden, 20 January 2021

New kikeservative-in-chief, jew-led war on Whites intensifies, jews hardest hit.

The highlights…

January 6th – the Capitol Insurrection. Trump called supporters to DC and then joined the jewsmedia in condemning them. The Newest OYYYYest VEEEEYYYYYY Heard Round the World, an orgy of jewy screeching about “White supremacism” and “anti-semitism” dwarfing that other one.

On his way out the door, many of Trump’s most deluded supporters called on him to pardon Assange and Snowden, or even some of his own most deluded supporters. True to form, President Kushner instead pardoned a gaggle of deplorable blacks and jews.

Like every other recent president, but more so, the out-going kikeservative-in-chief surrounded himself with jews and frequently praised them as a collective, as a tribe. He hardly ever uttered the word “White”. Never in a positive sense. In his first official speech the new kikeservative-in-chief reversed this unthinkably “racist” precedent, explicitly declaring war on Whites for being too White. At the same time the unspeakable “anti-semitism” of the previous jew-first administration is, as usual, being tikkun olammed, packed with even more jews.

The virulently anti-White jewsmedia is swooning and screeching at the same time, in unison, celebrating the most “woke” and “diverse” administration ever while demonizing even the dimest, lamest forms of opposition.

“Equity”, a snappy abbreviation of the jew narrative, “Whites evil, destroy Whites, because OYYYY VEEEEYYYYYY”, is now offical government policy.

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Pelosi says rioters chose their ‘whiteness’ over democracy | TheHill

Jewish groups respond to DC violence with ‘disgust,’ criticism of Trump – The Jerusalem Post


We share the anger of our fellow Americans over the attack at the Capitol and condemn the assault on our democratic values and process. This violence, and President Trump’s incitement of it, is outrageous and must end.

Jonathan Greenblatt:

We cannot allow the historic & horrific events of the past 48 hours to fade without significant consequences. In our 100+ years of history, @ADL has never called for the President of the United States to be removed from office. Today, that changes.

‘White people need to take responsibility’ to dismantle white supremacy, say Ben & Jerry’s founders:

After last week’s chaos in the U.S. Capitol, Ben & Jerry’s issued a statement, that called the violence a “riot to uphold white supremacy.”

“We must dismantle white supremacy and we have to understand that this is a white problem,” Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream co-founder Ben Cohen told Yahoo Finance. “This is not a Black problem. This is a problem of us.”

Cohen and co-founder Jerry Greenfield said white people need to “take responsibility” to change the country that treats Black and white people differently.

Our Response to the Events of January 6th 2021 | Ben & Jerry’s

Jews Have Until Thursday to Influence Ethnic Studies Curriculum:

A proposed, state-wide, mandatory Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum in California is open for public comment only until Thursday, January 21. The current draft of the curriculum celebrates figures who have promoted anti-Semitism (including leaders of the Third World Liberation Front and the anti-Jewish leaders they admire); it uses racial distinctions to divide people into those who are considered white (and therefore privileged) and those who are non-white (and therefore oppressed); and in the case of Jews, it combines the two, pitting “Jews of color” against Jews who are tarred with “conditional whiteness” and its attendant “racial privilege.”

“White supremacists continue to racialize Jews as non-white,” the curriculum’s “Fact Sheet on Jewish American Diversity” acknowledges. But “many Jews with light skin identify with the idea of white-presenting,” it reads. “Light-skinned Jews…experience white privilege,” while “Jews of color like all communities of color face systemic racism.” In other words, the same kind of Jews who, in living memory, were forced into ovens for being non-white, are now identified as white –– or at a minimum, as having “conditional whiteness.” This disqualifies most Jews from the solidarity offered other minority groups.

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There ought to be no discussion about Jews and privilege that doesn’t begin by talking about the historically enacted and repeated genocidal ideology that revolves around Jews and privilege. For an ethnic studies curriculum to go traipsing through that discourse without a single mention of its ugly and bloody history is not a lesson about anti-Semitism. It is a repetition of it. By itself, that should effectuate a vote of no confidence in the entire franchise.

In the midst of the largest recorded surge in anti-Semitic propaganda and attacks against Jewish people across the globe, a new framework for racial theory again counts Jews as members of the evil class. Jews, who represent roughly 0.2% of the world’s population and roughly 2% of the U.S. population, are again targeted for their “privilege.”

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Critical race theory is not the historical equivalent of Nazism, but it doesn’t have to be: the question is whether an American education will help students widen their sense of “us,” or once again, teach students to harden their sense of “them.”

Trump admin secretly eased sanctions on Israeli mining tycoon Dan Gertler – U.S. News – Haaretz.com:

U.S. Treasury issued at lightning speed a temporary license suspending sanctions over shady deals in Congo to Dan Gertler, who is represented by Trump ally Alan Dershowitz and former FBI director Louis Freeh

Why the Capitol Attack Makes Holocaust Remembrance Day Vital | Time:

Among the most shocking images from the Jan. 6 insurrection on Capitol Hill were pictures of a man wearing a sweatshirt that said “Camp Auschwitz” and “work brings freedom.” It’s an anti-Semitic reference to the Nazi concentration camp and extermination center where over 1 million Jewish people died or were murdered during the Holocaust.

The hoodie-wearer Robert Keith Packer was arrested in Virginia a week after the attack on Jan. 13. Two days later, at an emotional press conference, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi choked up when she singled him out as “one figure” that stood out to her the most after watching “so many disgusting images.”

“To see this punk with that shirt on and his anti-Semitism that he has bragged about…be part of a white supremacist raid on this Capitol, requires us to have an after-action review to assign responsibility who are part of organizing it and incentivizing it,” she said.

Trump’s Unpardonable Pardons, by Philip Giraldi – The Unz Review

Who were the Jews pardoned by Trump in his final days in office? – The Jerusalem Post


BREAKING: For the first time in US history a U.S. Ambassador will be appointed to conduct diplomacy in a territory controlled by a US-designated terror group (Hamas).

UPDATE: Biden changed it back. Wonder if Israel called?

CONFIRMED: Israel threatened to expel the US Ambassador if President Biden didn’t change the name of the Israeli ambassador back. Two thoughts: a) Biden’s team made this change within an hour of taking control, b) Israel forced a retraction within two hours. Crazy.

Many top Biden appointees are engaged Jews – The Forward.

The issues galvanizing Jewish voters that Joe Biden has planned for Day One | The Times of Israel:

Biden also plans to start his presidency by undoing one of the first actions of Trump’s — which elicited sustained protest from many American Jewish groups. In January 2017, Trump signed an executive order that banned visitors and immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Jewish groups largely expressed outrage at the move, arguing that it was Islamophobic, and joined protests across the country at the time.

“It goes beyond our experience as immigrants,” Melanie Nezer, senior vice president for public affairs at Jewish immigration advocacy group HIAS, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in November. “There’s also our historical experiences, as refugees, in particular as people who were persecuted based on their faith and ethnicity, throughout many, many generations.”

It’s time to stop counting Jews in the Cabinet:

Nine Jews are in the new Senate (including the new Majority Leader) and 25 in the House of Representatives, making up more than 6 percent of the total Congress. That’s more than triple the percentage of Jews in the general population. There are also two Jews out of the nine justices on the U.S. Supreme Court. Seen in that light, a Jewish secretary of state, treasury secretary, homeland security secretary, attorney general and director of national intelligence—to name a few high-level positions—are merely a reflection of the preponderance of Jews who have risen to the top of just about every sector of American society.

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Nor is it a great break from the previous administration, though that is something that many of those sharing those posts on Facebook about the Jews and Biden don’t like to talk about. The list of Jews in important positions in Trump’s administration was also impressive. But since the overwhelming majority of Jews despised Trump, there was a great deal more demonizing than kvelling going on about them on Jewish social media the last four years.

. . .

There was once a reason to care about counting Jews in presidential cabinets. In times when Jews were a marginalized minority shunned by society, the ability of a Jewish politician or adviser to rise to prominence was not only a source of communal pride, but an inspiration to young people to believe that they, too, could aspire to high office.

Top Donors to Biden 2020 Campaign. (Never forget, counting jews is forbidden, goyim.)

UN chief urges global alliance to counter rise of neo-Nazis | Racism News | Al Jazeera:

The secretary-general of the United Nations has urged coordinated global action to build an alliance against the growth and spread of neo-Nazism and white supremacy, and the resurgence of xenophobia, anti-Semitism and hate speech sparked partly by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Antonio Guterres made the appeal on Monday at the annual Park East Synagogue and the UN International Holocaust Remembrance Service marking Wednesday’s 76th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, held virtually this year because of COVID-19.

He also urged international action “to fight propaganda and disinformation”, and called for stepped-up education on Nazi actions during World War II, stressing that nearly two-thirds of young people in the United States do not know that six million Jews were killed during the Holocaust.

You may not be interested in “equity”, but it’s interested in you. Tom Elliott:

Susan Rice: “Every agency will place equity at the core of their public engagement … to ensure government resources are reaching Americans of color & all marginalized communities — rural, urban, disabled, LGBTQ-plus, religious minorities, and so many others.


Selection 2020

Wildly inaccurate polling. Flagrant vote fraud. Literally unbelievable turnout. Naked media bias. An unprecedented shitshow. Gripping drama for the goyim.

The good news? A consensus is forming that the jewed regime is illegitimate. The bad news? Hardly anyone will acknowledge that the regime is jewed.

The confusion is fed by jewsmedia pundits who know perfectly well what’s going on but pretend otherwise. Michael Tracey, for example:

Preliminary results suggest Trump gained support among nonwhites nationwide but lost support among whites — especially white men. A confusing outcome in our supposedly white supremacist tyrannical hell-state

The fact that so many Whites are instinctively dismayed by this situation makes perfect sense and vindicates what “anti-semites” have been saying all along. Democracy is a fraud, a mask for rule by jews. Confusion is a feature, not a bug. Relentless jewing eventually provokes a reaction. Then jews screech that the reaction – however squashed, divided, co-opted and otherwise transformed by alt-jewing – is the problem.

Most of the time most goyim don’t ever realize that what’s happening has anything to do with jewing. The jews know. Many very consciously disguise themselves and clamber onto soapboxes in every nook and cranny of the discourse to spin kooky narratives shifting attention and blame elsewhere. Others jew more openly, sniffing out and screeching about “anti-semitism”, shamelessly portraying their tribe as victims while barking orders at the goyim to bring them the heads of their enemies.

Lois Frankel defeats Laura Loomer in South Florida race that encapsulated a Jewish culture war – Jewish Telegraphic Agency:

The race pitted two Jews at different poles of the sociopolitical culture wars against each other — a moderate Democrat in Frankel and a far-right agitator in Loomer, who plays on her Jewish identity in her adamantly anti-Muslim rhetoric.

“We’re putting the Jews on trial here in District 21,” Loomer told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in September. “They have a choice between a Republican Jew who is going to advocate for their survival in their best interests, or they can stand with self-hating Jew Lois Frankel, who is doing the bidding for the jihadists in the Democrat Party who are just literally walking Jews to the gas chamber.”

This intersectional jewing, this fictitious conflict – jews screeching at jews about what’s best for jews – rages behind every partisan conflict across the entire regime. They mostly try to hide it.

The regime is anti-White because it is so thoroughly jewed. Politicians and pundits on all sides join to condemn “White supremacism” whenever they’re not screeching about “anti-semitism”. For the past several years they’ve been doing both at the same time.

“Political correctness” is semitical correctness. That’s why it’s okay to blame Whites for everything, why it’s criminal to blame jews for anything, why jews pose as “fellow Whites” and also pose as oppressed non-Whites. It’s all part of the same sick completely jewed game.

Bernie Sanders on Jewing

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders wrote an op-ed for Jewish Currents on what jewing means to him.

Speaking for jews, to jews, Sanders jewsplains why jews are anti-White, how unlike Whites jews have a “right of self-determination”, how they serve their own interests by preaching “solidarity” and “equality” while demonizing and attacking Whites, and how this is all also a “conspiracy theory”. He then points out how jews have been doing this for centuries, screeching about “oppression” and “persecution” long before any other non-White/anti-White parasites showed up.

The Enlightenment: Good for Whom?

In the comments on the previous post I made the somewhat flippant claim that the Enlightenment was all along a jew-led, jew-serving psyop. Fred W, a frequent commenter whose opinion I respect, asks:

??? How?

The foremost minds of the Enlightenment were the most antithetical to the jewish spirit and principles, foremost among them , Voltaire. Proto-Enlightenment philosopher, Bacon, didn’t have any common currency wi judaism. Diderot and his associates didn’t have any jewish persuasions.

How you can reach the reach the above idea, I don’t understand.

Even before Fred asked I had already expanded on my claim, stating that the essence of the so-called Enlightenment is that the goyim must never think or speak or act as the jews do, because jews. The only rationale ever offered for the system is that it serves the interests of “humanity”, i.e. the jews. Consult any mainstream discussion of the Enlightenment if you doubt this. Most of my readers are well aware of this and other games jews play with words, but here’s a bit on the meaning of “humanity”.

We can easily get lost in the weeds trying to define the Enlightenment and it’s key figures. The thrust of my argument, however, is elementary. Cui bono?

If you’re interested in getting lost in the weeds anyway, consider the bragging of jews, provided by Andrew Joyce. Here’s a taste:

I explore what is arguably the most ambitious effort yet attempted to create a Jewish icon for the non-Jewish world. In this, the case of Baruch Spinoza, I will outline the history of the Jewish effort to place him at the very heart of the Enlightenment, and to crown him as nothing less than the founder of the modern West, and even of modern democracy itself.

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In [Jonathan] Israel’s words: Spinoza and Spinozism were “the intellectual backbone of the European Radical Enlightenment everywhere.”

I disagree with Joyce’s interpretation, that this effort from jews is a false exaggeration. Like most White men, Joyce sees the Enlightenment favorably, as a product of by and for White men. I see it more as typical jew arrogance, as the criminal claiming responsibility, boasting about their crime long after they imagine anything can be done about it.

The psychological failing here, the vector or vulnerability enabling the psyop, is apparently endemic to Whites. It is this peculiar recurring pattern of being hoist with the enemy’s petard, while jealously clinging to it as if it is your own. We see it also in (((the British Empire))), for example. It is a pitfall I’ve called racial solipsism.

I see the Enlightenment negatively. I see it as a watershed moment when White men, deluded and debilitated by Christianity but starting to wake to reality, tried to cure their hangover. Unfortunately, they ultimately did so by doubling down on the jew narrative, looking to the jews for answers to problems that jewing had caused. Whatever the details, they came to the conclusion that the answer was tolerance. The world was broken and the White man needed to fix it, and that meant…emancipating the jews, who then quickly helped themselves by helping the White man decide to emancipate the negroes, women, homosexuals, and so on. The disastrous consequences are exactly those things that the jewsmedia today most emphatically celebrates – feminism, open borders, sexual deviance, black lives matter, and the never-ending wars to keep the world safe for jewing.

There are people who purport that this is all about the White man trying to kill himself. They claim that all this pathology proves we’re suicidal. I disagree. I see the pathogen as jewing. I see jews bending the arc, as they put it, toward White replacement and extinction. They have made the highest purpose of every government they control to combat “racism” and “anti-semitism” while boycotting, imprisoning, or dropping bombs on whoever vexes the jews-first jews-only state. Proponents of this system call it “liberal democracy” and they trace its origins to the Enlightenment. In fact it is rule of by and for jews, and its roots go back much farther.

Here’s another recent claim of responsibility for the Enlightenment, with jews mischaracterizing themselves as the victims of their much less conscious Christian dupes, of course:

The development of the study of Jewish texts and Jewish culture within the university setting, as opposed to in a yeshiva or rabbinical academy, was by its very nature tied to the emancipation of the Jews in modern Europe, and their concomitant entry into broader European culture. As Martin Goodman notes, the earliest professors of Jewish literature in European universities were Christian professors of classical Hebrew, who claimed that their study of Hebrew language and literature could help them to discover the “true” (and invariably Christian) meaning contained within the text they called the Old Testament.

By the late Renaissance, Christian Hebraists in the university setting became interested in Kabbalah, part of a broader academic trend in which Christian scholars claimed that a whole array of esoteric literature, ranging from Zoroastrian and Hermetic texts to Egyptian hieroglyphs, could be interpreted to reveal Christian insights.

More on cabalism and its influence is coming in The Burden of Jewing, Part 3.

You might be thinking the Enlightenment is ancient history. But that’s where you’re wrong, bucko. The most vociferous proponents of Enlightenment/”classical liberal” thinking today are jews like Stephen Pinker, Dave Rubin, Ben Shapiro, and the broader jew intellectual movement calling itself the Intellectual Dark Web. They can clearly see a backlash building to the increasingly naked anti-White screeching of their “leftist” cousins. Their response is classic bagelian dialectic. Rather than call out their cousins’ jewing as jewing, they instead pine for a return to its previous, more cryptic form. They seek to moderate the White reaction to jewing, and they are doing so by encouraging still more Enlightenment thinking among Whites. They’re not doing this to hijack the credit for and esteem of what the deluded White man imagines is muh Greatest Achievement. They are doing so because they sense that the White man’s capacity for soft-headedness is not yet completely exhausted.

The Enlightenment was all along a jew-led, jew-serving psyop. Indeed, it is all the more obvious now in retrospect, now that jews no longer think there is any need to hide it.

UPDATE 6 Nov 2019:

In a remarkably explicit and expansive claim of responsibility, published in 2002 and titled The Jewish Roots of Western Freedom, Fania Oz-Salzberger jewsplains “the story of political Hebraism, the sustained effort to read the Bible politically during the seventeenth century”:

This essay attempts to point out some of the most interesting, most thought-provoking, and least studied Hebraic and Judaic origins of early modern political thought in England and beyond. It will examine several political Hebraists of the seventeenth century, and will consider the reasons for the abandonment of biblical and post-biblical sources of political thought by Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment thinkers—in particular modern liberals.

. . .

Jewish texts were not accidental sources for the subtle discussion of liberty engaged in by seventeenth-century thinkers. There were several important ideas about the nature of freedom, which early modern Europe learned from the Bible and its Jewish interpreters, and from them alone. These ideas, which Enlightenment thinkers and their progeny either abandoned or ignored, have now returned to the forefront of political discourse, and are relevant in no small measure to contemporary Israel as well.

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Seventeenth-century thinkers used their Bible in a multitude of ways: There were biblical royalists, biblical republicans, biblical regicides, biblical patriarchalists and defenders of the old order, biblical economic revolutionaries and deniers of private property, biblical French imperialists, biblical English patriots, and their biblical Scottish counterparts. Policies, polemics, and parodies were based on the Bible. Writers and readers alike were intimately familiar with the Old Testament.

In Protestant Europe and in much of counter-Reformation Europe, it was the central compartment of a learned man’s toolbox, the principal weapon in his scholarly arsenal

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What all of these had in common was their stout belief not only in the supreme importance of the Hebrew Bible as an authority for their convictions, but also in its uniqueness as a source of historical models. Since Calvinists and Puritans, monarchists and monarchomachs, French and Dutch and English alike all viewed themselves as the “second Israel,” the ancient Hebrew state was their best political template, if not their only one. Not Athens or Sparta or Rome, but Israel, with its kings and priests, its tribes and elders, its institutions and, especially, its laws.

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the tradition of religious tolerance that was transformed by Spinoza and Locke into a doctrine of political tolerance.

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A highly influential group of seventeenth-century thinkers found within Hebraic sources a cluster of significant ideas, and put them into the mainstream of European intellectual history. These thinkers, and the ideas about which they wrote, were linked to one another in several ways. The following sections of this essay discuss three seminal ideas, explicitly and often exclusively Hebraic in their inspiration—ideas for which Aristotle, Cicero, or Tacitus (among others) could not reasonably be credited— which played a crucial role in the genealogy of modern political thought. They affected early modern thinking about the state and about political liberty, and took part in the birth pangs of classical liberalism itself.

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Seventeenth-century Amsterdam was the most fertile soil for social and scholarly interaction between Jews, primarily exiles from Spain well versed in classical thought, and Christian scholars, primarily Calvinists with a Hebraic fire burning in their bones. In the Dutch golden age, the “Hebrew republic” took shape as an ideal type for the modern European legal and political system. Grotius was one of the first to search for the Hebraica veritas, the Hebrew truth, a natural law common to all nations.

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The glory of the Hebrew republic in Western political thought reached its apex in the middle of the seventeenth century, when the English republican revolutionaries made it their central historical model, some-times alongside the Roman republic, but more often above it.

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These thinkers all repeat, with individual variations, the same basic theme: The people of Israel had a republic, a nearly perfect republic, from the time of the Exodus until at least the coronation of Saul.

“Political Hebraism”, i.e., jewing.