All posts by Tanstaafl

Pardon the Interruption

Some time between the 16th and 17th my previous hosting service, 1and1, decided to take my server offline and lock me out of their admin console, “for your own protection” due to “a possible case of attempted abuse”. It was several more days before I was able to get through to their 9-5 security team to find out what was going on.

They claimed I had violated their terms of service, specifically regarding “hate”, and stated they no longer wanted my business. They wouldn’t grant me any further access to my server, but they did provide codes so I could transfer my domain registration elsewhere. Fortunately I had backup copies of the bulk of the data, but a couple of the most recent comments were lost.

I had long wanted to upgrade my operating system and software, and the plug-pulling gave me an opportunity to do that. I found a new hosting service,, who I feel better about giving my money to. They’re based in Iceland, take payment anonymously, and sound serious about free speech:

I found content on a website hosted on your servers that I find offensive. How can I ask you to remove it?

We are a free speech hosting provider and, thus, the cost of that is that there may be content hosted on our servers that some people might find offensive. Once we start taking down such web sites, then we are no longer a free speech hosting service provider.

We’ll see how long it lasts. Their terms of service don’t currently mention “hate”, “racism”, or “anti-semitism”. But then every day the jewing grows more overt and obnoxious, all over the world.

Discussing DNA and White Origins with Norvin Hobbs

Live stream tonight at 10PM ET/7PM PT. We’ll talk about human origins, reviewing the ongoing conflict between the anti-White jew narrative and race science reality. Attached are a few images capturing the spirit of the topics we’ll cover. [UPDATE 6 June 2019: YouTube banned Norvin, the original livestream is available on BitChute, another copy is here.]

This first image depicts the hominin branch Whites are part of (represented by the khoisan bowman, AKA kang) in relation to the broader hominid tree. This image illustrates the relationship between species and race, and the important point that speciation is the rule. Source: Understanding Evolution – How Humans and Apes Fit Into the Tree of Life.

This image zooms in on the components of the extant hominin branch, minus the more ancient branches, notably homo erectus, from which DNA has not yet been recovered. Source: Tracing the peopling of the world through genomics, 2017.

These are slides 18 and 26 from R1b and the People of Europe: An Ancient DNA Update, based on data from Massive migration from the steppe is a source for Indo-European languages in Europe, 2015. The latter illustrates the genetic admixture within the previous image’s “Ancestral European” branch – AKA White people.

The source for this image contains much more information concerning Aryans/Yamnaya and their Ancient Northern European (ANE) component.

This is a recent depiction the Out of Africa narrative. Source: Climate and the peopling of the world, 2016.

The speciation of various African branches from each other and non-African hominins is far more ancient than previously admitted. Source: Human Species May Be Much Older Than Previously Thought.

The result of a century of jewing on anthropology. Source: Anthropologists in their native habitat: on Facebook, holding signs, 2015.

This image comes via Razib Khan, who in 2012 coyly asked, Are Jews white? The answer is no. Beyond the genetic differences, which explain why, the fact is that jews see themselves as distinct from and at odds with Whites.

Some other older posts/podcasts which are relevant: Who’s White? – Part 1 …, The Racial Roots of Europeans – Part 1 …, Understanding Kostenki 14 (Markina Gora), The White Race and its Discontents, Cochran on White Racial Pre-History and the Aryans. Our previous conversation: Live Stream with Norvin Hobbs.

UPDATE: Audio-only mp3 attached. Bonus topic: CRISPR.

TFeed Index 2018


This is an archive of the items that appeared in TFeed during 2018.

TFeed is an RSS feed for audio files I’m either interested in hearing or have already heard but think might appeal to others with similar interests.

You can send suggestions (please include link) for audio to put in the feed to tanstaafl at age-of-treason dot com.

See also: TFeed Index 2017, TFeed Index 2014-2016, and the introductory post, TFeed.


12 Apr 2018: BNP Mole (Ray Hill)download

DNA Reveals The Legacy of Jewing


New article in The Jewlantic: DNA Reveals the Hidden Jewish Ancestry of Latin Americans. That was the original title. Revealing indeed. Now it reads: “The Genetic Legacy of the Spanish Inquisition”. It wraps the latest revelations with the usual cover story, mischaracterizing an invasive species as passive victim:

As Spain simultaneously persecuted its Jews and expanded its colonies in the Americas, conversos secretly came over to the New World. Their legacy lives on in DNA.

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In 1492, best known as the year Columbus sailed the ocean blue, Spain also decided to expel all practicing Jews from its kingdom. Jews who did not leave—and were not murdered—were forced to become Catholics. Along with those who converted during earlier pogroms, they became known as conversos. As Spain expanded its empire in the Americas, conversos made their way to the colonies too.

This is the usual jew-excusing narrative, intended to distract from the fact that the jews had colonized Spain, forcing themselves upon the Iberians in much the same way they have forced themselves upon Europeans in other times and places. This particular persecution narrative is dishonest not only because it paints the jews as powerless, but because it also falsely implies they were ultimately destroyed. The DNA tells another story, the legacy of jewing:

A new study examining the DNA of thousands of Latin Americans reveals the extent of their likely Sephardic Jewish ancestry, more widespread than previously thought and more pronounced than in people in Spain and Portugal today. “We were very surprised to find it was the case,” says Juan-Camilo Chacón-Duque, a geneticist at the Natural History Museum in London who co-authored the paper.

This study is one of the most comprehensive genetic surveys of Latin Americans yet. The team also found a mix of indigenous American, European, sub-Saharan African, and East Asian ancestry in many people they sampled—a legacy of colonialism, the transatlantic slave trade, and more recent pulses of immigration from Asia. This is the history of Latin America, written in DNA.

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Spain did not allow converts or their recent descendants to go to its colonies, so they traveled secretly under falsified documents.

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Conversos who aspired to high offices in the Church or military often tried to fake their ancestry.

The genetic record now suggests that conversos—or people who shared ancestry with them—came to the Americas in disproportionate numbers.

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Nearly a quarter of the Latin Americans shared 5 percent or more of their ancestry with people living in North Africa and the eastern Mediterranean, including self-identified Sephardic Jews. DNA alone cannot prove that conversos were the source of this ancestry, but it fits with the historical record. This pattern of widespread but low North African and eastern Mediterranean ancestry in the population suggests that its source is centuries old, putting the date around the early days of New Spain.

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Geneticists have also noticed rare genetic diseases prevalent in Jews popping up in Latin America. “It’s not just one disease. It’s like, wow, this isn’t a coincidence,” says Harry Ostrer, a geneticist at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. In 2011, Ostrer and his colleagues decided to study two populations—in Ecuador and Colorado—with unusually high prevalence of two mutations often found in Jews. (One mutation was in the breast-cancer gene BRCA1, and the other caused a form of dwarfism called Laron syndrome.) And indeed, they found enriched Sephardic Jewish ancestry in the 53 people they tested.

Chechar BTFO. The jews themselves never forgot this legacy, they’ve always simply directed all the blame for it at Europeans.

Lying about race and genetic traits is a jew trait. This study is in effect another substantiation of race science, confirming that jew is a genetic trait. It also helps explain why the revelations of crypto-jews in high office is a recurring theme in American politics. The Spanish Inquisition may have been in part a healthy reaction to jewing, but in the end it entrenched the disease rather than curing it.

Ioffe Jewsplains Oppression

merry_oyyyy_veeeeyyyyyyPlease don’t wish me ‘Merry Christmas’ – The Washington Post:

I like good cheer. But please do not wish me “Merry Christmas.” It’s wonderful if you celebrate it, but I don’t — and I don’t feel like explaining that to you. It’s lonely to be reminded a thousand times every winter that the dominant American cultural event occurs without me.

To write “I don’t feel like explaining” while doing just that is like saying “yes” while shaking your head “no”. Ioffe brims with irrepressible loxism that she certainly does feel like expressing. It’s just that she also feels that she can’t be completely honest about why. Ioffe could have said, “As a professional member of the ruling tribe, I feel entitled to spell out how you mindless goyim need to reorganize your society to suit me.” Instead she said:

When you are from a minority religion, you’re used to the fact that cabdrivers don’t wish you an easy fast on Yom Kippur. But it’s harder to get used to the oppressive ubiquity of a holiday like Christmas. “This is always the time of year I feel most excluded from society,” one Jewish friend told me. Another told me it made him feel “un-American.”

To say it’s off-putting to be wished a merry holiday you don’t celebrate — like someone randomly wishing you a happy birthday when the actual date is months away — is not to say you hate Christmas. It is simply to say that, to me, Julia Ioffe, it is alienating and weird, even though I know that is not intended. I respond: “Thanks. You, too.” But that feels alienating and weird, too, because now I’m pretending to celebrate Christmas. It feels like I’ve verbally tripped, as when I reply “You, too!” to the airport employee wishing me a good flight. There’s nothing evil or mean-spirited about any of it; it’s just ill-fitting and uncomfortable. And that’s when it happens once. When it happens several times a day for a month, and is amplified by the audiovisual Christmas blanketing, it’s exhausting and isolating. It makes me feel like a stranger in my own land.

Ioffe admits she’s saying what she’s saying because she’s a jew, she just adds the usual thick layer of reality-inverting jew victim narrative on top. Sure, she’s a member of the most privileged and powerful tribe in the world, but they’re a MINORITY. That makes you goyim the real problem. You make jews feel UNCOMFORTABLE. You make jews feel like STRANGERS. You make jews feel OPPRESSED, ALIENATED, EXHAUSTED, ISOLATED. And worst of all, you just being yourselves forces jews to pretend they’re not jews. Which is why they write articles like this. Every day of the year may be Holocaust Day, but every now and again jews need a different pretext to jewsplain how their jewy hostility toward the goyim is really all the goyim’s fault.

When I tried to explain this on Twitter, I earned thousands of attacks: people vindictively wishing me a Merry Christmas, vicious and ad hominem condemnations accusing me of being angry, whiny, impolite, self-centered, ungrateful, sad and, in general, a bad person. (“We’ve already got a reputation for being miserable f—s,” one Jewish commenter wrote, “let’s not make it worse.”)

I find this surge of hostility baffling. To voluntarily opt out of Christmas, apparently, is an act of aggression against Christmas itself.

What Ioffe didn’t want to explain, at first, was that she was thinking and speaking as a jew. Then the vindictive goyim attacked her for no reason. So now she’s trying to jewsplain. “As a jew, I’m the real victim here. Stop being so hostile you filthy mindless goyim.”

There’s something a little deranged about taunting someone of another faith with “Merry Christmas” after they’ve politely asked for a recusal. It feels out of step with what Christians say this holiday — and Christianity — is all about: peace, love and mercy. It feels, instead, to be of a piece with the warring tribalism that has consumed our politics.

How, I was asked, are people meant to know what you celebrate? They’re not. Which is why my wish, this holiday season, is for people not to make assumptions about others, to put themselves in others’ shoes, to respect others as they wish to be respected, to respond with kindness even when they disagree, to live and let live. I heard about a guy who used to say all that stuff, and apparently his birthday is coming up. Why not honor him that way?

You know what’s deranged? Trying to paint yourself as a victim while telling others they annoy you and should change their behavior to please you. It’s disgusting to contemplate, but it isn’t difficult to understand this victim/control-freak mentality. In individuals the symptoms are commonly described as antisocial personality disorder. Such individuals feel no empathy for others, but they understand how to manipulate others to feel empathy for them.

Though Ioffe lamely attempts to personalize her story, she isn’t standing on her Washington Post soapbox as an aggrieved individual. She’s speaking as a member of her tribe, “from a minority religion”. That’s the key to her identity, the magic jew card that, in their minds, fills them with righteousness and moral authority. She may have no empathy for the Christians (by which she means Whites) whom she’s collectively complaining about, but clearly she understands how to moralize, to shamelessly exploit whatever sense of honor, respect, or kindness the gullible goyim will show her.

Furthermore, Ioffe has previously described just how self-aware she is about this, how she knows it has more to do with race and nation than religion:

Personally and not because I’m a pessimistic Soviet Jew– personally I was kind of glad to see the outpouring of antisemitism, because for a long time I was very frustrated by the discussion on kind of the liberal side of the political spectrum, where Jews, like Israel, were no longer seen as the underdog, no longer seen as the persecuted minority, in fact, this kind of scurrying line of anti-Semitic stereotype of us as the establishment, and people who run and control everything…. I had black friends, for example, black intellectuals who say, “Our issue is the more important one, we are the persecuted minority, you’re part of the establishment, you are white,” and to me seeing that reaction, that seeing that anti-semitic reaction that came with Trump I think got those people to kind of see us again as the minority… I think that people are recognizing that we’re still kind of in the same boat…I’m seeing it as a little reminder to people.

Ioffe doesn’t see jews as White, she sees jews as victims of Whites, “in the same boat” with other non-Whites, against Whites. She likes the “persecuted minority” narrative, the jews’ oldest, biggest lie. She promotes it, and is glad to see others influenced by it, because she sees the value in that for herself and her tribe, not because she believes it’s true.